Sunday, November 1, 2009


Its been a while since Ive blogged. We have been really busy the last couple of months and just haven't had time to just sit down and get on the blog. Brian will be performing in our Church's Dinner Theater in Nov. He has also ran 3 races in less than 5 weeks. Grand Island Half marathon, The Buffalo Run and Kansas City Full Marathon. Right after the Buffalo Run he came down with pneumonia. Took off 2 weeks from running then had to get his but in gear and finish his training for the KC Full. Colin is still going to OT and Speech Thearpy once a week. He graduated from PT a couple of weeks ago. He had his last swallow study and passed and no need for swallow thearpy. He is loving going to his "Big Boy School"(ECSE- Early Childhood SPecial Education) every day. His teachers are great. He is also officially potty trained. He woke up one morning and decided that was it no more diapers or pull ups. Colin has been dealing with some asthma issues so far this fall. Not sure what is going on so we are going to go see a new ENT to see what he thinks about his sinuses and tonsils. Now time for some pictures.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pictures of Riley Cat

The Loss of Riley Cat.

Brian and I had to make a decision on June 30th on our cat Riley. It was a hard decision but we knew it would be best for him and us. The week before Riley became pretty sick and Brian took him into the vet to be treated for a UTI. Well the UTI was so bad that he had to have surgery to remove a blockage. He came out great and spent a couple of days at the vet. Brought him home and he started to vomit ever time we gave him his meds. That lasted a couple of days, talked to the vet over the weekend, stopped the meds. Noticed that he was no longer eating much. Took him into the vet on the 29th for a recheck everything looked good. started him on a new med. immediatly started vomiting again. Took him into the vet the next day to see what was going on, And the vet called us that evening with the grim news on him. He was in Liver Failure! He had lost a pound in a weeks time, which isn't good on a 17pound cat. And that is why he was in liver failure. The treatment for him would be painful and cost us alot of money and time and then it still might not help him. Force Feedings every 3 hours around the clock for the next 6 months, twice daily trips to the vet for shots or spend the next 6 months at the vet so they could do it.. Not the life we wanted to put our cat through. We made the decision as a family and went over to the vet to say goodbye. We miss our fun loving,playfull, cuddly cat. Life is sure different around here without him. Colin and Riley played so well together and Riley put up with so much with Colin crawling all over him, kicking him in bed, pulling on his tail and Riley would just lay there. Zoe (our other cat and his sister,same litter) is slowly getting use to Riley being gone, she still on occassion will go around to every room meowing for him. These are a couple of pics we took his last day,night and about a couple of weeks before he got sick.

Photo Time!!

A quick look at couple of photos from the last month for Fathers Day,with surprise visit from Aunt Dee, Zoo, and out on the boat on the farm.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Long overdue

So I have realized over the last couple of weeks I haven't updated since the beginning of May. My time sure does fly when you are busy. After Marathon weekend Brian started up with his running again and officially signed up for the Kansas City Marathon in Oct. and it looks like he will also be doing one in Nashville in April. LPS is out for the summer and Colin is getting a break for a couple of weeks until his Summer School starts up. We have made the decision with his LPS teacher that he will go centerbase program next year for school and move away from the homebase program. Brian and Colin went and had a visit at Clinton the week after the marathon and got to see his classroom for next year and meet the teachers. He was so excited to tell me about it when he got home. He is also really excited that he gets to ride the school bus.

We have also made a couple of trips to the Omaha Zoo, a couple of trips down to Peru and out too the farm. we will post some new pictures after the weekend is over.